A intellectual exercise

Growing up in a polygamist society I have often wondered what it would game would look like in polygamy. By polygamy I do not mean a Roissian de facto polygamy, rather a de jure polygamy where sex outside the marriages is considered adultery. To what degree would the rules change, if they changed at all?

According to the Roissy's second commandment making a woman jealous is necessary to make her desire you. When a woman knows that her man is desired by other women it increases his value in her eyes. In a polygamist situation this is magnified. The husband has no need of flirting with other women he already has two women who are in competition for his attentions. If he is ALPHA his wives will want him more, but with an increased desire any attention that he pays to one wife will be considered by the other wives as attention not paid to them. This is a quick route to jealousy. The problem with jealousy, at least in the culture I was raised in, is that it is looked down upon. The women are expected to get along; to be unified. This presents an interesting dilemma.

In this video (at the 1:54 mark), the husband's solution is to apologize when his wives get jealous. After reading a great deal about game from the ALPHAS on the internet this seems to me to be the wrong answer. Why should he apologize when they feel he does not love them enough? It seems a show of strength, a la commandment fifteen, seems in order. In other words it is a shit-test; the woman who is complaining is worried about her position among the other wives and needs reassurance. On the other hand Athol Kay says that women need a balance of ALPHA and BETA traits in their husband to be happy in their marriage. It seems to me that projecting and ALPHA attitude towards one wife would make her feel reassured, but would it reduce her jealousy towards the other wives? Would it make the other wives jealous if they knew how he is with another wife, thus driving the wives apart? Would being ALPHA most of time (more than if he had only one wife) fulfill their emotional needs? Do they need BETA reassurance that he will not leave, or ALPHA reassurance that he is capable of taking care of them?

As an omega I really do not know. I suspect that it is better to err on the side of too much ALPHA rather than too little. Since I have no intention of pursuing polygamy (I have a hard enough time getting the attention of one let alone two or three) this is more of an intellectual exercise. What I really want to know is: what do the readers think?

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