Has it occurred to any of you that we women couldn't give a crap what you think about our hair? Honestly, this whole discussion makes you guys appear to be pathetic, shallow, and insecure. You're the last people I'd EVER want to impress so why would I care if you like my hair or not?This is classic female illogic combined with false posturing. Of course it has not occurred to us that women couldn't give a crap what we think about their hair, for the obvious reason that women readily break down and cry if we only refrain from praising how they have reduced their attractiveness to us by chopping off their hair. Asking "do you like it?" and "what do you think?" is a very ineffective means of demonstrating a lack of concern. So is having your face crumble into tears and snivels when a man greets your "super-cute" new androgynous look with nothing more than a raised eyebrow and a shake of the head.
Jill's emotional projection is readily apparent. If she truly didn't care what men thought about her hair, she wouldn't be lashing out with such vehemence. She really shouldn't care whether we like her hair or not, since we are but faceless, sexless pixels on her screen, but because she is shallow, insecure, and female, she does. But even more amusing than her illogic was her sputtering incoherence:
"You can prefer whatever the hell you want. What's offensive is that you seem to think that your preferences = fact."
She dimly realized that being offended by our preferences made no sense, so she attempts to manufacture an excuse... only our preferences are pure matters of fact. They are simply what they are. I strongly prefer long hair, as do 56 percent of men in general. Note that the best showing for a short hairstyle was the 10 percent of men who favor the classic bob.
It's no concern of mine if Jill decides that she would like to limit her appeal to the 7 percent of men who claim to like pixie cuts instead of the majority of them, but it shouldn't be incomprehensible to her where we get these ideas. Of course, to any competent theoretician of Game, it's entirely comprehensible how her self-esteem defense hamster produces hers. What Jill has chiefly failed to understand is that because we have no need of her approval or her vagina, her attempt to influence us by threatening our socio-sexual rank is doomed to failure.
Her futile efforts are all the more amusing given the way in which she's not only attempting to socio-sexually devalue a sigma, but one who already has a much hotter and higher-value woman than Jill.