Three minutes

Three minutes. 180 seconds. That's how long a man has before a woman categorizes him into one of two slots: "yeah, I would" or "no, I would never".
The average female spends 180 seconds sizing up a man's looks and fashion sense as well as appraising his scent, accent and eloquence, the Daily Mail reports. Women are also quick to judge how a man interacts with her friends and whether or not he is appropriately successful or ambitious. They study found women are reluctant to change their minds about a man and are likely to believe 'they are always right' in their judgements.
This explains a great deal about why Game functions so effectively and why men have such a difficult time accepting it. Men reject the observable fact of Game because it shows that their basic approach to women is largely futile and counterproductive. Most men think in terms of getting to know a woman and gradually demonstrating to her that he merits her sexual interest in him. I know successful, good-looking men who will take up to six months "getting to know" a woman and "waiting for the right moment" to express romantic interest in her... and usually discover that she is involved with someone she met after she first met them.

But this has the process precisely backward! The problem is that the woman had already made up her mind about them after the first three minutes, on average. (NB: "Yeah, I would" does NOT mean "Yes, I definitely will". That usually requires alcohol or a three-point difference in attractiveness.) Perhaps it was a little less, perhaps it was a little more, but regardless, all that men manage to do in attempting to demonstrate their worthiness over time is to disqualify themselves by appearing weak, passive, and indecisive. In general, it is very difficult to move from the "no" category to the "maybe" one; it is much easier to move from "maybe" to "no". Remember, "women are reluctant to change their minds about a man". So, the first lesson is to cease attempting to demonstrate worthiness to women over time, because it simply isn't going to work in most situations.

The second lesson is that men who lack wives or girlfriends should focus improving aspects of themselves that are readily apparent within three minutes. This is why spending a few hours at the gym a week, improving your wardrobe, or developing an arrogant swagger is much more likely to achieve positive results than spending a few hours reading philosophy and improving your character or devoting time to serving your fellow man. Women are not attracted to character. They may value it, to be sure, but male character doesn't fill them with sexual desire any more than skill in the kitchen or being an excellent mother makes a woman more physically attractive to men.

So, three minutes. That's all you've got. If it isn't perceived or communicated within three minutes, it doesn't exist. That's why the shallow alpha buffoons often look so attractive in comparison with psychologically stronger men of greater character. What the alpha has may not count for much in the long run, but something will always beat nothing if it is there when it counts.

This also explains why omega mouth is such a fatal mistake. Remember, if she's engaged beyond the three minute mark and isn't sending indications of disinterest, you're already potentially qualified. You're halfway there and the game is now to avoid disqualifying yourself, not to talk her into qualifying you. So, unless you are a natural alpha whose instincts merit trust or you happen to blessed with a scintillating charm that permits you to get away with almost anything, keep the temptation to run your mouth in check, let her do all the talking, and allow the natural process of attraction to unfold.

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