A month ago I met a girl. Cute, fun, and most importantly easy to game. Because of this I made her a long term target. Saturday we had our first date.
To understand the significance of this you have understand how much of an omega I was. I am twenty eight. I have had a total of five dates in my life, and none of them were before I was twenty. Two of those dates were in the past three months (that includes this date). Before that my last date was at the end of 2005. The only girlfriend I ever had dumped me a month after our one and only date, by text. Last, I had never kissed a girl. All of this was not due to shyness, but sheer social ineptitude.
From the moment I met this girl I was used every bit of game I had. I did my absolute best to stay aloof and indifferent. I used kino. I escalated. I teased. With this girl I felt I had a chance as long as I stayed focused and used what I learned. The seduction began to take off by the third time I saw her. I had been reading Roissy that day and I knew that I had to isolate and qualify her. I invited her for a walk away from the group, wondering what the hell I would talk about (I am not a good conversationalist). Thankfully she was a talker. All I had to ask was, "what is your deal?" and she was off.
The answer to that question filled about three fourths of the interaction. Throughout I teased her about her big feet, her talking too much, and how blonde she was. Eventually she lost steam and asked me the same question. I did not have anything clever to say so I responded with, "its complicated."
She continued to press for details so I said, "why is that important for you to know?"
She stopped pressing, but her interest seemed to increase. When we got back to the group she said: "I am going to find out about you, somehow." I was really not trying to use Roissy's lines, I simply could not think of anything else to say.
Back at the group she asked me for a mint. Usually I would just give one away but instead I grinned and said "I don't give away things for free."
"I don't have anything."
"You could owe me" I said
"What would I owe you?"
"A favor."
"Okay." She smiled and I gave her the mint.
Later she asked again and I told her she would have to owe me two favors. She smiled and agreed. I did not see her again for a few weeks. When I did she asked me for my number since she did not have a phone and could use Yahoo messenger to contact me. Two weeks later we set up the date.
The day of the date was warm and I was suffering from a severe case of cabin fever so I opted to go hiking. On the drive to the trail-head I flipped on some music and she began dancing in her seat, and mentioned that she was a professional belly-dancer. I was not paying close attention so I heard "ballet dancer." This was a source of confusion for a few minutes as she pulled up her shirt and showed me the belly-button piercing. I realized later that she was trying to get points for being a dancer and dancing in the car but it misfired because I did not hear her right and was paying close attention to the road. I wonder if I passed through sheer luck.
While in the car I was doing my best to use kino. I escalated during the hike pretending to grab her to throw her off the edge, then pulling away and getting several yards ahead of her on the trail. She would then laugh and get after me.
I had decided long before the date that I was going to try to get a kiss from her. We reached the end of the trail but someone else was making out in the spot I had intended to go to try to get a kiss. We laughed and began heading down. Still determined, I told her there was another spot we could go to. About half-way down the trail there was a stream with a large flat rock in the middle, completely dry. We sat down and she said "so this is the part where I find out that you are a serial killer?"
I knew better than to act put-off by her question so I said "yes, this is that part."
I laid back and enjoyed the sunshine for few minutes preparing to go into Mystery's kiss routine. I sat up with her help (I was on an decline) and got close enough to kiss then pulled away. I was about to say "Do you want to kiss me?" when she said "So do I have to ask?"
"What? to kiss you?" I said, and went for it.
Now I was only going for a kiss, singular, five seconds, tops, but after a minute or two I realized that this was going to last a lot longer than I could have hoped for. I briefly pulled away to ask if we were going to fast. She nodded and we went back to it. A few minutes later I pulled away again and said "I am going to give you a seven." She acted offended for a moment, then laughed and hit me, and we kept going. I knew better than to let her decide when to end it so after about fifteen minutes I pulled away, said "Okay, time to go" and walked off.
On the way down she threw another shit-test my way. She said: "So how many girlfriends have you had?"
"Why is that important for you to know?"
"Because you seem experienced." I had to work very hard to not laugh.
"Enough", I said.
When we reached the end of the trail she looked me in the eyes, asked if I was going to kiss her again, and leaned forward. I pulled back and said "Maybe." She looked slightly disappointed.
Back in the car the shit-tests began in earnest. She asked if the make-out had paid off one of the favors she owed me. I said maybe, and she said that she felt that they should have an expiration date, that they might go rotten. I was not sure what to say so I said nothing. She seemed less than happy with my response.
The next shit-test came at a Starbucks. She ordered coffee. I ordered a Frappucino. I joked that I was getting the girly drink. She latched onto this and made fun of me for being late, ordering a girly drink, and her making the first move. I made it worse by mentioning that I had gone to school for massage therapy, and some of the embarrassing stories from said school. This was a very bad idea. She made fun and said that I seemed like the kind of guy who would go to massage school. I had no idea what to say. Lesson learned, though: I will never bring that detail up again, to any girl, ever. Neither will I use self-deprecating humor. I simply do not have the ALPHA points to spare on stupid mistakes like that.
Later while driving her home she said I was obvious. I was not sure if this was a test so I decided to err on the side of caution and agreed and amplified. She laughed. I knew I was in a bad position so I began to be very careful with my responses; if it even had a hint of a test about it I agreed and amplified. I could not let my guard down and say something stupid again.
I mentioned that I was taking marital arts in an attempt to regain some ground (partially true, I took some classes recently) and she seemed to perk up and asked some questions. I sold it as best I could and I felt a little better.
At the end I said I had fun, and she said she would like to do it again, but did not seem as enthusiastic as I hoped. I am somewhat hopeful for another date, but I do not expect much. If anything, I learned a great deal, and I will make far fewer mistakes next time, whether with this girl or another.
One thing that surprised me: I knew that girls would shit test a guy, but I had no idea that it would be so often. I suppose it was my own fault that there were so many, but I could not help but be surprised.
Most importantly I found that game works. Whether in success or in failure it was like I had Roissy's voice in my head providing commentary on everything I did. I was able to see the theory in action. Nothing happened that did not fit into game theory. I have always believed that game worked, but this time it actually had results. I made a lot of mistakes but for a previously hopeless omega, I feel pretty damn good.
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