Are You Straight, Gay or Bi?

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The sexual preference of this sweet actress has been in question for many years. In the past, she had a relationship with a female colleague from the same network who incidentally committed suicide after their separation. According to the people close to this person, she was extremely depressed after the actress left her so she decided to end her life.

Recently, this actress has been rumored to be dating an actor from the same network. This actor used to be the boyfriend of another actress who also belong to the same network. Is this love affair a publicity stunt to reassure the actress’ fans of her sexuality?

According to a source, the current love interest of this actress is in fact a female director and not the actor. If this is the case, this actress is certainly trying to confuse all of us. Is it the actor, the female director or both? Is she straight, gay or bi? Your guess is as good as mine.

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