
I find myself wondering if the brilliant women who came up with the notion of slut-walking against rape also advocate dangling red meat in front of large predators in cages.
Remember the cop in Toronto who said that women who don’t want to be sexually assaulted shouldn’t “dress like sluts“?  Well, activists in Toronto and elsewhere are fighting back! Toronto has organized the SlutWalk this Sunday. Come out for the march and stand up for every women who’s ever been told if only her hemline were longer, she might not have been raped. There is no justification for sexual assault – ever – and it’s time to stop slut-shaming and victim-blaming.
I find the clueless, histrionic response to the Toronto cop's perfectly sensible remarks to be both amusing and all too predictable.  As I have repeatedly pointed out, many women absolutely hate the idea that their decisions and actions have any consequences and feminists have been actively fighting reality in this manner for literal decades.  They were complaining about this when Camille Paglia was pointing out that it is just as stupid to get drunk and go to a man's room in a frat house as it is to leave your purse unattended in Central Park more than 20 years ago.

Now, a woman doesn't deserved to get raped simply because she is a slut.  That would be tantamount to saying that all women deserve to be raped, since all women have at least a modicum of slut in them; Athol Kay even goes so far as to say that a woman's ability to unlock and slake her inner slut within her marriage is an important aspect of a happy and successful marriage. I tend to find sluts fairly likeable, for the most part, especially those who are sluts because they enjoy riding the alpha carousel as opposed to those who are merely ideologically slutty due to their incoherent feminism. And yet, I don't shed any more tears over a slut getting raped than I do over a gambler winding up broke. It's not inevitable, but the odds are what they are.

The reason the slut-walk is ludicrously counter-productive is because encouraging more women to dress and act in a provocative manner in public places is literally asking for more rape and sexual assault.  The slut-walkers are daring men to respond to their provocations, and there can be no question that the predatory part of the male population will be quite pleased to do so at the earliest opportunity.  Just as you don't teach a tiger to stop devouring steak by continuously waving a bloody t-bone in front of it, you can't encourage rapists not to rape by appealing to their visual senses.  Even animals understand that an effective way to avoid becoming prey is to not look like prey, so it is remarkable that feminists have managed to functionally lobotomize themselves to such an extent that they are now operating below the level of lower animal intelligence.

The amusingly ironic aspect of this is the way the slut walk flies in the face of feminist rape ideology.  After all, if rape is a matter of power, and not sex as the feminists insist, then both the way a woman dresses and the slut-walking are entirely irrelevant.  But then, Canada is a relatively free country and if young women wish to make themselves rapebait, then we should neither be bothered by their actions or the potential consequences of those actions.  In any event, it is less a woman's appearance than her behavior that increases the likelihood that she will be sexually assaulted.  A woman who wears nothing but fishnet bikinis but doesn't go unaccompanied to strange men's dwellings or stay out past midnight is much less likely to be raped than a girl who dresses tastefully, but is willing to party with strangers.

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