Cheapipay (Cheapskate)

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A cheapskate is a stingy person who tries to avoid paying a fair share of costs or expenses. In Filipino slang, we call this kind of person as "cheapipay".

I don't mean to toot my own horn but my friends can definitely attest to this. Whenever I am dining with them, as much as possible, I try to reach for the bill first when it arrives. If I were joining a group of people that I am not so familiar with for dinner, what I do is I  initiate to put in more money for what I have ordered to avoid the awkward computation. When it comes to footing the bill, I am proud to say that I am not "cheapipay" unlike this female celebrity in today's blind item.

This female celebrity prefers to hang out with friends (male or female) who automatically reaches for the bill when it arrives. She enjoys the company of generous people who do not worry about who ordered what, and who would gladly pay for her dinner and drinks. What is worse is that when the bill is delivered to the table, she does not even make a show of reaching into her designer purse.

Do you know who this female celebrity is? Open your eyes widely and I am sure you will find the answer.

I would like to request you to observe the guidelines in posting comments. Please follow micsylim on Twitter if you need additional clues on the female celebrity.

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