Her Mouth Smells

Image courtesy of www.dr.coolclips.com

According to badbreathkiller.com, when a person's normal food intake is altered, his/her body begins to burn deposits of fat for energy use. This process is called Ketosis.

Ketosis is capable of burning almost all types of fats except for Acetone. While Ketosis burns all the other fats in the body, that only way that Acetone can be excreted  in our bodies as waste is through the urine or the breath. This is why a person's mouth tends to smell bad when he/she is on  a diet.

After understanding Ketois, we now know why this certain actress' mouth smells. In her attempt to be as skinny as Miss Halitosis, she strictly controls her food intake. She also loves dancing because it helps her lose even more weight. I guess the guy that she is currently dating is so used to smelly cheese that he does not notice her stinky breath. 

Do you know who this actress is? I suggest that you follow micsylim on Twitter if you still need additional clues

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