Kudos to Dubai-based Filipino Designer

Image courtesy of Asghar Khan/Gulf News

For someone who started off by making dresses for his mother, Dubai-based Filipino designer Furne One has come a long way indeed.

With a celebrity roster that includes supermodel Heidi Klum, legendary actress Joan Collins and, most recently, three of pop's current biggest names — Lady Gaga, Jennifer Lopez and Katy Perry — his is every designer's dream client list. But that's only if you consider dressing celebrities the ultimate career high. One (pronounced on-ay) has been making his dream-like couture dresses, all sequins, glitter and all, for highly-placed Arab clients and royals for the past 12 years.

The soft-spoken designer puts his current successful celebrity run down to a lot of hard work, and some luck.

"I have been working with Heidi for Germany's Next Top Model for about four seasons now, designing for the finalists," he tells tabloid!.

Source: gulfnews.com (By David Tusing, Deputy tabloid! Editor)

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