Letter from a Reader: What are His Deeper Issues?

Image courtesy of www.joah.typepad.com

Dear Fashion Pulis,

I am an avid fan of Fashion PULIS since I found out about it. I make sure that I check it everyday to update myself with your celebrity blind items. Everyone I know is reading your blog. Now, let me share a blind item for you.

Who is this television host who recently badmouthed your blog on a television show? He said, “Walang kwenta naman ang Fashion Pulis na yan.” When this sore loser, sour graping guy broke up with a famous celebrity from another TV network, he also badmouthed her. Ironically, a few months later, he reunited with her after saying so many bad things about her.

What he said made me wonder if his podcasts or his radio programs have “kwenta”? He is the only male celebrity I know who makes “patol” all his enemies and claiming that he is just brave to confront them. So I say, “yeah right, that's very girly.” If he were really straight, I don’t think he will talk and answer back like a girl to all his detractors. No straight guy from the any network does that.

In my opinion, I think this guy is so “feeling.” Just because he can speak straight English doesn’t make him superior. The way he reacts to things proves that he is insecure about his looks and his height.

Before I end this blind item, I wish to dedicate a quote by Naomi Campbell to this guy, “Anger is a manifestation of a deeper issue... and that, for me, is based on insecurity, self-esteem and loneliness."

Fellow FP readers, what do you think are his “deeper issues”? If I remember correctly, he is currently seeing a therapist, right?

More power to you FP and continue to delight us with your juicy stories.

Char Esmundo

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