I wanted to know why your advice worked. You explain it in the book to an extent, but I wanted to know more. I went to Hooking Up Smart, and from there to Dalrock, Kane, and on to PUA sites like Roosh. What I learned reading these sites literally made me sick. Not just the content of the blogs, but the comments as well. I felt like an idiot. I felt lied to. I felt cheated. I realized that I spent years of time and effort trying to be what I was taught to be a "good man" only to learn the assholes I held in contempt for treating woman so badly had it right all along! I had travelled the hard road, staying true to my morals on the belief that it was the right path only to learn that the same women who told me I was going to make some woman a great husband were sleeping with those same assholes! And those same women would cry on my shoulder when they got dumped. I felt used.There are three things to keep in mind here. First, you can't argue with the facts and you can't really hold people morally responsible for the vagaries of biological chemistry. The reason women were never permitted to vote or be involved in government isn't because ancient men hated ancient women or got their kicks out of oppressing them, they simply lacked the ability or the desire to permit abstract idealism about sexual equality to trump what they observed in their daily reality. You can never, ever, place much confidence in a woman's words; anyone with a daughter knows that the difference between yes and no, between "I want X" and "no, actually I want Y" can often be measured in milleseconds. Place no undue significance on a woman's words, be they positive or negative, only pay attention to her actions. This is not to say women are always lying, only that their words are almost always in alignment with their feelings at the moment. Since feelings are variable, assigning any long-term significance on them is doomed to failure. You cannot derive reliable long-term static conclusions from short-term dynamic inputs. And while some women are capable of maintaining life-long commitments, you can't possibly know ahead of time which are and which are not. So, give her the benefit of the doubt, but withhold judgment and verify over time.
And here I am trying to reconcile all this while in a relaionship. Its hard to not wonder if I'm sleeping with the enemy sometimes. But at the same time, I can't be angry at my SO for her biology. I am angry that I wasn't correctly informed about it when I was younger. I am angry that all the important women in my life raised me to give women way more credit than they were due. I am angry that I was raised to be exactly the wrong kind of man to appeal to a womans biology because being a "manly man" was no way for an enlightened male to be.
If this approach sounds too dismissive, you can also try mentally placing "Right now, I feel" in front of every female assertion. Men would be far less confused and get themselves into far less emotional turmoil if they would simply understand that "I will always love you" means "[Right now, I feel] I will always love you". Which, unlike the literal statement, implies that tomorrow that might not be the case. Again, let her actions be your guide. And try to remember that harboring anger and hatred at women for their dynamic and unreliable nature is rather like being angry at a kangaroo for bouncing. It's not just what they do, it is a structural element of what they are.
Second, understand that society is extremely vested in deceiving men and taking advantage of them for the benefit of propagating both the species and the society. If most young men truly understood what a little slut their pedestalized picture of ideal young womanhood actually is, even if her sluttiness is only in her own mind, they would tend to recoil. All are fallen... and Eve fell first. If the definitionally average delta male was accurately informed that their prospective wife-to-be didn't only have sex with her high school boyfriend, her college boyfriend, and that one foreign guy during the summer after college as reported, but had proactively gone about being sexually penetrated by 12 or more other men, they would be far less likely to marry her or devote their lives to supporting her and any subsequent children. This degree of illusion is necessary for societal survival in much the same way that bathroom doors, showers, and deodorant preserve the illusion that we don't all stink of sweat and shit, at least until more conservative social norms are reestablished or the Ummah triumphs over all.
Third, it is perfectly understandable that the fact that you were lied to and deceived would make you feel angry. And you should feel used. You were used. But anger isn't conducive to leading a happy, productive, or successful life. It will serve you no purpose, except perhaps to remind you when you find yourself susceptible to falling back into your previous Delta mindset. Instead of anger, consider yourself very fortunate that you managed to figure this out before it was too late for you. Without Athol, without Susan, without Dalrock and the others, you would still be wandering around helplessly like a sheep surrounded by wolves.
You should always take the facts of the situation into account. But that doesn't mean you need to be emotionally guided by them. You're not a woman, after all.