More than 50 percent of women in a study confessed that they thought about food more than sex. Ten percent of those surveyed by the weight loss company Atkins, revealed they would feel guiltier straying from their diet than being unfaithful to their partner....Keep in mind that this survey was asked of women who are actively dieting, which means that there is probably a higher percentage of thin women in the mix than in the general population. And keep in mind that any woman who is more interested in food than in sex is a fattie-in-waiting no matter what she weighs today. The slender woman picking daintily at her salad is probably far more obsessed with food than the equally slender one who simply goes ahead and orders a malt with her cheeseburger; the former is more likely to eventually turn into a land whale than the latter because her weight relies on willpower, not metabolism. She's also more likely to fall into the 10 percent that are so narcissistic that they are more concerned about cheating on their diets than on their husbands.
More than a third of respondents said they thought about food and dieting more than they thought about their partner and 54 percent confessed they thought about food more than sex, the newspaper said quoting the study.
And of course, this has profound impact with regards to Game. A woman who is part of the 54% will be massively susceptible to any food- or weight-related negs. Statements like "That's going to look really good on your thighs" or "So, we're going for the Kim Kardashian look, are we?" are probably most effective on a food-obsessed slender woman.
Some will consider it unfortunate, but since value is relative, tearing her down is as effective as building yourself up when it comes to establishing DHV. And before anyone gets their knickers in a twist, recall that I don't make the socio-biological laws, I merely observe them.