This past July, Kate Bolick, the gorgeous journalist you see on the cover of this month’s Atlantic, dined at my home along with five young women I’ve been close to for years. She is 39, and she has never been married. She has written a very interesting article about her experience, and the various factors that have influenced how and when Americans marry (or don’t). Kate has done something we’ll be seeing a lot more of in the coming years – she’s talking about the reality of single life for many women. There’s an element of choice, but also an acknowledgement that men are lagging behind women in education and career advancement. She rightly identifies the Women’s Movement as the prime influence in the deterioration of the SMP. Rather than bitching or blaming men, she’s living her life in a very positive and productive way.First, congratulations to Susan. It is good to see the Game perspective on the reality of the sexual and marital markets penetrating the media. Second, I thought the story was most interesting for what it didn't say. Despite the reactions of the young women to the writer's single status and everything that Susan was attempting to explain to the writer, the middle-aged cat-lady-in-training simply couldn't fathom that yet another Single Lady story attempting to justify a woman's barren life is the exact opposite of what most young women need to hear. No one believes the Song of the Cat Lady or needs to hear another iteration of it anymore. That the piece in The Atlantic was less celebratory and somewhat more reality-aware than most doesn't change its essence.
The reluctance of women to admit that the choices they have made are responsible for the consequences they have realized is remarkable, although not surprising. But the concept is not that hard to grasp. If a woman is going to spend the 12 Prime Years from 20 to 32 chasing and involving yourself with unsuitable men, she is going to have to either learn to a) adjust her behavior and her sights or b) find herself childless and alone.
Needless to say, there is a reason why most successful societies have historically limited the right of young women to select their own mates: young women tend to make very sub-optimal choices. And that inclination towards poor mate selection is why it is a mathematical certainty that the West will return to that system sooner or later.