The 80's lied to us

Sex criminals stalk the elementary schools:
A sheriff’s deputy was dispatched last week to a Florida elementary school after a girl kissed a boy during a physical education class. School brass actually reported the impromptu buss as a possible sex crime, according to the Lee County Sheriff’s Office.
It seems to me that a standard theme of the movies of the 80's was that conservative adults were no fun and their goal in life was to prevent teenagers from being cool, having fun, and engaging in dancing or sexual activity. Liberals, on the other hand, were cool, fun, and were more inclined to reminisce about their own hijinks rather than condemn or otherwise get in the way of kids being kids.

Call it the Footloose template, for lack of a better term. However, as the progressive ideology of the 1960s has gradually completed its long Gramscian march through the institutions and permeated the organs of societal authority, it turns out that the liberals are far more repressive than the conservatives ever were.

A conservative adult shakes his fist and tells you to slow down when you drive past him on your motorcycle. A progressive adult passes mandatory helmet laws, raises your insurance premiums, and finally bans motorcycles altogether. A remake of Footloose that was truly reflective of the changing times wouldn't end with the prom and the reverend dancing with his wife, but with a therapist explaining to a tearful Kevin Bacon that he had been expelled from school and would be facing criminal charges due to his sexual harassment of all of the girls he had subjected to his unsightly and obscene pelvic thrusting.

Remember, whenever the Left is warning that the Right wants to ban something, they are engaging in projection.

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