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M2 wanted her kids to enter show business because she was having financial difficulties. She could no longer pay for her rent and utilities. She also owes several of her friends money for the designer handbags that she purchased from them. M2 needed help so she approached M1 to take care of her kids' career.
In M1's effort to support the career of M2's kids, she sent them to workshops. M1 would even gave cash advances to M2 to help her pay for her basic necessities. There were times when M2's kids had to work late due to the production's erratic shooting schedules. M2 took this against M1 and filed a child abuse case against her since her kids are all minors.
The other case that M2 filed against M1 was falsification of documents. According to M2, she never signed the documents allowing M1 to represent her two other younger kids. M2 also accused M1 for not giving her the money for her kid's talent fees.
Now that you have a clearer picture of what they were fighting about, who do you believe more? Please use the codes M1 and M2 in posting your comments. I will be waiting.
Fashion PULIS
Fashion PULIS