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Recently, his film outfit revamped their ad and promo department by hiring this ad executive (AE) from the advertising industry. One of their first projects
was promoting this thriller movie of a young actor who switched networks not too long ago.
This AE who was heading this new department became enamored of this young actor and started to accompany him to all his promo appearances. The AE brought the young actor food during the entire shoot of the said movie. Not contented with that, the AE started to meddle with the styling of his clothes as well.
The people around the young actor have started to speculate that they might be having more than a working relationship. The AE behaves like a bodyguard around the young actor, expressing displeasure and jealousy when other people come around and see him.
Who is his pretty young actor? Why is this AE so influential to the young actor? Are they havng an affair?
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