Gotta Get This Off My Chest...

I want to say that I absolutely love and appreciate the support the blog is receiving from fellow nerds like me.  It's not surprising that a number of nerdy girls are attracted to a niche blog like this since we are so underrepresented in the media whether it be in the form of TV sitcoms, movies, magazines, or even in cyberspace.  The very first post on this blog briefly explains why this blog got started.

I "Googled" the term Black Girl Nerds and found nothing.  The only term that actually came up was "Black Nerd" "Girl Nerds" and "Black Girl".  That is when I created the blog.   However, I did find a site called Black Nerds Network and thought---oh cool!  A network of nerds like me!  It would be awesome to tell other nerds about the new blog.  I actually posted the Facebook Fan Page on their Facebook Group Page to introduce their niche to the blog.

Apparently there is a site within a site---which I'm not sure where to locate it, but I did find a Twitter page called Black Nerd Girls.  Now first of all this was exciting to me because I had no idea this site even existed and thought it would be cool to know what they were all about.  I even sent a "Tweet" saying "We support you!"  Well instead I got accused of imitation and not being "original" with my blog and its title.

Let's set this straight.  The term Black Girl Nerds is not a newly conceptualized idea that I studied and researched in a quiet room and methodically thought up.  I've been called a "Black Girl Nerd" most of my life, so the term is basically not only a part of my vernacular, but its not exactly a foreign concept to me.  I noticed the BNN website also has T-shirts, merchandising and the like on their site---its appears to be more business-oriented in their mission more than anything else.  That's totally cool and nothing is wrong with that, but that's not my mission with this blog.  It's simply to be a voice to girls like me who felt ashamed to be and say who they truly are---which is why I encourage other nerdy girls to be a part of this blog.

Yes I have ads on the blog to help cover the cost of the domain fees I have setup under the .com URL.  Now I really don't have to explain any of this to my readers, and who knows, maybe most of you don't even care, but a major part of my Achilles Heel as a nerdy black girl is when people say things that simply are not true.

I would think that we should all unite together as Black Nerds rather than use terms like "pirating" and have a negative perspective.  We are an underrepresented niche of individuals that need a voice and the more blogsites and websites out there about us THE BETTER!  Perhaps there will be a higher representation of us in the media.

So I end this post by first of all saying to BNN that I respect your opinion about me and the blog.  It's your opinion and you are 100% completely entitled to it.  In the meantime I will keep on keepin' on with my rants and raves about who I am as a nerdy black girl.  I've said my pe@ce and love you dearly anyway.


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