Honest Dissatisfaction

Image courtesy of www.pastoralmeanderings.blogspot.com

The diligent manager (DM) discovered very good performer (VP) and their friendship developed into a business relationship. DM used his connections to make sure VP had good exposure in print, TV, and radio. The press often declined to write negatively about VP because of DM. Soon VP was the hottest discovery of the network. VP was given a daily show and afterwards, he had a weekly show that presented what he did best. Meanwhile, DM maintained that he and VP only had a verbal contract, as they were friends.

As VP became a household name, DM discovered that VP was getting bookings without his knowledge. Thus, DM was losing his commissions, not to mention being bypassed as the manager. When stories floated that all was not well between DM and VP, both declined to comment. In a press conference for VP, DM was present but the other guests felt the gap between them. Then, the press releases came out stating that VP has cut ties with DM. The network was the new manager of VP.

As soon as VP left DM, the showbiz press had a frenzy writing and commenting on the swellheaded behavior of VP, his distasteful jokes, and his picking up fights with other more senior performers. When he was with DM, VP had more leeway. With the new manager, VP has to report all his activities to his road manager. To make matters worse, VP’s production assistant was fired.

With the reformatting of his daily show, VP is under pressure, as he has to conform with the structure of the show unlike in the previous format where it was spontaneous that it all seemed like he was merely playing. Adding stress is the demand that the success of one segment in the new show totally relies on VP. Earlier, VP stated that he no longer wants his weekly show as he was getting tired of doing the same  thing repeatedly. This certain girl that VP dislikes will be taking over the slot of his show.

Perhaps VP should learn to count his blessings before declining offers left and right. These blessings might not last for long with his attitude. Is this attitude a result of VP regretting his decision to drop DM for the sake of bigger projects and more money? Now, he has to work very hard for every peso the network pays him and he has to conform strictly to the rules of the new management.

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