The looming abyss

Hawaiian Libertarian explains the source of the palpable sense of anger that fills much of the male portion of the blogosphere:
To not feel anger at the current situation is inhuman.

I first discovered the MRA/MGTOW blogosphere years ago after I watched my Ex-Aunt desert her family, file for divorce, take my Uncle to the cleaners to cavort with a bad boy motorcycle thug. I literally saw the joy, happiness and vitality for life disappear from the faces of my younger cousins. I saw my Uncle left destitute, heart broken and alone.

Before my Ex-Aunt pulled the trigger and destroyed her family, I lived with them for about 3 months. During that time, my nephews and nieces were a pure joy to be around and play with. I used get awoken by laughing and giggling kids, little children waking me up from sleeping on their couch so they could play with me before heading off to school every morning. Those three months were some of the greatest memories of my young adult life for me. My little cousins would come home from school and give me drawings and paintings they had done in their art classes for me. They were such happy little kids.

I moved to the Mainland for a year to work construction. When I returned to attend college at the U of Hawaii, my Ex-Aunt had already filed for divorce and was in the process of taking my Uncle to the cleaners.

The happy little cousins who were in a perpetual state of playful cheerfulness and excitement at the wonders of life when I left Hawaii, had become broken, dour, sad and withdrawn kids when I came back. It was a fucking tragedy. They have since grown up and made families of their own as young adults. But they were forever changed and broken by the destruction of their home by their mother's selfish actions, aided, abetted and encouraged by a system designed specifically to profit off of this misery.

I could not comprehend how such an injustice could be inflicted by the State on a Father who did nothing wrong, how my Ex-Aunt got everything and she was the one who broke her marriage vows and broke up her home. After googling up no-fault divorce in a search for answers, my long journey of gaining understanding and awareness began.
That which cannot continue forever will end. And the present system is too sick, twisted, and intrinsically self-contradictory to survive. There are two probable outcomes. Either the entire system will collapse of its own weight, internal contradictions, and perverse incentives, or men finally get so desperate and angry that they refuse to accept its authority any longer and respond to it with violence.

Imagine if every single time a woman unilaterally filed for no-fault divorce, she and her divorce lawyer were found dead within a week. Imagine if every time the police removed a man from his home on the mere basis of accusations by his wife or girlfriend, the officers responsible and their entire families were found slaughtered? Imagine if every time a family court judge stripped a man of his future income because his wife wanted to live off him rather than with him, that judge was found beheaded in her home?

How long would it take before all of these abominable legal practices came to a shrieking halt. One week? One month?

We obviously have not reached that point. Nor is such violence ideal or to be desired for its own sake. But regardless, we are rapidly approaching the time when such events will appear in the news. To date, the anger and despair felt by those men chewed up by the system has been internalized. Instead of aiming their rage at those responsible for the injustice, they have directed it at themselves, regarding their plight as their own failure rather than the fault of the various responsible parties. It is becoming increasingly obvious, though, that it is the system itself that is sick, that even a good man of honest intent can be rapidly destroyed by it and its twisted incentives that are capable of transforming even the most well-meaning woman into a hellish harpy of familial destruction.

Ironically, immigration and the global jihad of the East has provided the men of the West with the model. The equalitarian system crushes the peaceful but cowers before the violent. So, the logic of human action dictates that it will not be long before despair becomes determination, suicide becomes slaughter, and the purposeful descent into drugs and alcohol is replaced by the vengeful pursuit of retribution. It may seem hard to imagine, and yet, who would have ever imagined that honor killings would be occurring in Texas, in New York, and in the UK in 21st century?

Even today, it is not too late for the system to turn back from the raging abyss that looms before it. Such a return to more traditional justice and more reasonable outcomes is not only possible, it is vastly preferable to the alternative. But I see no signs that the system will depart from its present course, because it is of too much use, and of too much potential use to too many people, men and women alike, to do so. So when the system finally goes one step too far, when a vicious injustice is done to precisely the wrong man at the wrong time, a fearsome and bloody reckoning will begin.

It didn't have to be this way. It doesn't have to be. But it appears increasingly likely anyhow.

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