I have mentioned I coupon gradually in past posts but haven't talked much about couponing or my stockpiles. I thought for this organize your home link party I would add a couple photos of my stockpile organizing.
Just for those wondering, I do not extreme coupon. This is a very small stockpile compared to most couponers and doesn't last me years. haha! However, I never run out of something and have to say "shoot I forgot to pick up so and so...".
On to the organizing...
I keep all my stuff in their rightful homes, meaning no special stockpiling rooms here. ;)
This is were I keep all my non-edible stuff (besides laundry and cleaners). I just line everything up neatly and try to keep it from looking like a giant mess. I keep razors in the his and her boxes. I dumped all the band-aids I had stocked into an old face wipe container, works great. The bottom basket holds toothpaste, stomach meds, etc and the green tote holds deoderant.
I have 4 of these closets in my hallway, which 2 of keep stockpiling stuff and the other 2 have towels, linens, etc. I don't really care for this place we rent but it does have a lot of nice storage.
My laundry stock...
This is probably my favorite stockpile. Laundry detergent is so expensive and I like to endulge in other goodies like wood to build all my projects. haha
Do you coupon or have a stockpile of your own?
Share your organized spaces at the link party...