Assets and Cash - the Family Feud

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The recent sisters' act (S1 and S2) has shown to the world just how powerless anyone can be over the love/lust for money. It certainly knows no bounds anymore even among close blood relations. Too bad for some, materialism has consumed and taken over the real spirit of family.

In all fairness to S1, she had been a very generous family breadwinner during her career highs in showbiz. There was nothing she wouldn't do for her family - everyone who knows her will attest to it. But as it is said, not every good deed breeds positivity. For it has successfully brought out the worst in S2. Being the bigger star that she is now, instead of returning the love and favors back to S1, she chose to do the opposite, and much more. She peppered S1 with the most obscene and barbaric words unfit for human consumption - and all because of feud over money.

Heard from the grapevine that S1 consulted her father first before she filed a suit against her half-sister S2. It pained S1 to do the unthinkable to S2 whom she loved. But she can only endure so much, those unprintables publicly hurled against her by acid-tonqued S2 were the last straw. Lessons have to be learned.

On the other hand, S2's management (which is also S1's management) seems helpless controlling the damage the controversy has done to their wards. S2's deafening silence on the issue is obviously an order from her manager.

Can fame be so toxic? Does S2 ever realize that no karmic debts ever go unpaid?

“Fame is a vapor, popularity an accident, and riches take wings. Only one thing endures and that is character.” Horace Greeley

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