Rage Over a Bar

Image courtesy of www.stevehollier.wordpress.com

In a party hosted by a fashion designer, a guest (G) was saying unsavory comments about an ice cream bar. G was telling the other guests the product was overhyped and overrated. She kept saying she will not even bother buy it. What she did not know was one of the brand ambassadors (BA) was among the guests who heard her tactless comments. BA kept his poise and ignored the comments of G. When G saw BA, she came over and wanted to give him a kiss. In the process, she even reached out for his chest to squeeze it as a friendly gesture. Of course, BA was aghast because G was behaving as if they were close. Besides, BA did not personally know G and he heard her belittle the product he was endorsing.

Then, BA addressed G, "Don't come near me, and never touch me again!" The embarrassed G started bad-mouthing BA in a loud voice, like saying how proud he is. Eventually, friends stepped in and calmed G. After a while, G was asked to leave the party.

Do you know who G and BA are? Please abide by the RULES in writing comments if you want me to post them. Initials and comments that are too explicit will not be accepted.

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