Smart-alecky Newcomer

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After taping for his guest appearance in a drama series, this certain winner (W) joined a female cast member (FC) and her actor boyfriend (BF) for dinner and drinks at a restaurant. What seemed to be a normal getting to know you dinner did not turn out nice.

As they were drinking, W started bragging about the business and wealth of his family and of course, his winning the contest. FC and BF found him annoying and loud for a newcomer. BF tried to understand and stretched his patience further, thinking that W was drinking a bit too much.

Somewhere in the conversation, FC kidded her BF that W was quite tall unlike him. The height joke, of course, is always something fun for the couple. However, W, under the influence of alcohol, retorted by saying that he would make himself appear shorter on camera so that he and BF will have a matched height once they have a scene together. This remark rubbed BF the wrong way. Infuriated, BF replied that the next time they will have a project together, he vowed that he will "eat him alive" in their scenes, at the risk of annoying his director for violating a rule in acting which is to act to the level of your co-actor in a scene. BF even vowed that in their next scene together, he will make sure that W will look like a fool.

Sensing bigger trouble might arise, FC stopped them and concluded the night. W and BF did not talk to each other anymore - they paid the bill and left.

Although both are seen together, FC and BF have yet to confirm they are a couple. The network seems to want to have no publicity hitches in case they get linked to other talents. As for W, there are rumors that he was seen in a gay club prior to entering the door leading to the house of showbiz. What was he doing in that place then? Was he just there by accident?

Can you guess who W, FC, and BF are? They all work in the same network and were discovered in different ways. Please abide by the RULES in writing comments if you want me to post them. Initials and comments that are too explicit will not be accepted.

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