The audience for ASCII porn

Taranto puts it succinctly:
Women write dirty books for other women to read. Bill Bennett blames men.
Even if you don't agree that "woman" is a legal form of child in the United States, it would be hard to deny that many opinion leaders behave as if they are. This article in the WSJ should underline what has been previously observed as the conservative reflex to always put women on pedestals and hold men responsible for female shortcomings.

Personally, I think Fifty Shades of Grey is a great example of what sexual equality hath wrought. In only a little less time than it took to produce Shakespeare following the birth of the English printing press, women's liberation has permitted women to reach the artistic heights of The Vagina Monologues, Twilight, and now Fifty Shades of Grey. That suffices to settle the old "suppression" theory with which women once explained the historical surfeit of female intellectual accomplishment.

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