Unfriendly Comedian

Image courtesy of www.tnooz.com

In a shooting for an opening number of a variety show, the models and their companions (mothers/guardians) were so excited because they were using a certain area of the home of one of the hosts (H) of the show. Having started from humble beginnings, H was deemed to be kind and friendly. After all, H was one of the pioneers in making the transition from comedy bars to live television and his success is often attributed to his national title.

While the taping was going on, H, dressed in his undershirt, went down to see what was happening. The companions greeted H politely as it was the proper thing to do as it was his house. H simply looked at them and walked away. He did not say anything at all, not even a “Hello or a Hi.” The companions were puzzled at the attitude of H. Worse, some of them were so turned off.

Can you guess the identity of H? Please abide by the RULES in writing comments if you want me to post them. Initials and comments that are too explicit will not be accepted.

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