Grand Attitude

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Young actress (YA) earned a notch in her career by being chosen by a network to be its face. The network gave YA all possible shows that showed her talent in hosting and acting. For a time, she was seen every day; even until sign off, her face was there. YA was initially built up as a host of various shows. Then, she was given assignments that challenged her acting ability in drama and comedy. YA was spread thinly that it seems she ended up being a Jack-of-all-trades but a master of none. The term coined for her career was “experimental.” Since that time, her popularity has not shined like other performers in the other networks who began at the same time YA did with her network. Nonetheless, YA renewed her contract with her network and even cornered projects with a film outfit.

The sad thing is that this importance and attention given to YA has gotten into her attitude. Stories have it that YA would arrive late for her tapings. It did not matter to her even if there were bigger stars in the cast, YA will do what she wants to do. One time, the network had a major event and all its stars were expected to be at the venue on time. YA was the first to leave the changing and make-up area. Naturally, people expected YA to be in the assembly ahead of everyone else, which would be a good example as YA is one of the important talents of the network. They were wrong.

As the other stars and personalities of the network moved to their places, YA only stepped out of her car as the parade was over. Consequently, YA became the center of attention. People who noticed this behavior said that YA was very consistent in her habit of making a grand entrance. Now, if her sister were around, YA will really remain in the shadows in terms of looks, talent, and popularity. It’s a good thing they belong to different networks.

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