Just Like a Cliché

Image courtesy of www.mylittlegamingblog.blogspot.com

The actor (CA) is gifted with a certain charisma that endears him to the viewers, the press, and his fellow actors. Whenever an issue is hurled against him, CA always keeps his cool and shuns questions regarding his personal life. Meanwhile, female actress (FA) loves him despite all the issues she endured. These issues range from mismatches in terms of their popularity and career, an unscheduled trip to a hospital, maintaining communication with a controversial ex-girlfriend (GF), and personal issues of CA. A notorious personal issue that hounds FA is his alleged drinking problem, which contradicts his wholesome and clean image. CA and FA stood by each other amidst all these intrigues.

Sometime ago, GF and FA had an entanglement over text messages, which led to CA and FA having a falling out. GF showed proof of her innocence but FA came to her own defense and denied she started it all. FA left the country after. Despite the challenge for him to speak up on the issue, CA kept quiet. After a few weeks, FA and CA reconciled and said they were working on their relationship. Everyone was happy until a few days ago.

However, when CA returned from a shooting abroad recently, FA felt something was different. It came to a point that promises made before were now broken. For example, sometime ago, CA said he would be going on vacation with FA to visit some of her family members abroad. Now, CA is not going with her anymore. The name of another young actress (YA) keeps coming out as the reason for the break up. YA is said to be the latest partner of CA.

Did something happen between CA and YA during the shooting that changed things when they returned to the country? Did CA break the heart of FA again? Just like his usual ways, CA might keep his silence on this break up issue and leave FA without her knowing what hit her.

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