So as many of you who frequent this blog know, the Season 2 premiere of The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl on Thursday June 14th is 2 weeks from today! When the series first started in cyberspace I thought Issa Rae's web series about a nerdy awkward black girl who comes into embarrassing situations was not only funny but comforting. To be honest, I can completely identify with a number of adventures the main character "J" has gone through. I think J is alot cooler than I am, but she still has her nerdy moments that makes her a fellow kin in my book! SN: Issa is really nice by the way---had an opportunity to interview her for my NCIndieSeen blog and you can check that out that link here.
Since the new season will be starting, I wanted to list a few of my favorite scene from the web series. If you haven't seen it---I implore you to go on YouTube and watch episodes 1-12 so you can be completely caught up before the new season begins.
Feel free to comment and share your favorite scenes too!
My personal faves:
Episode 1 - Scene 1 when she says "Am I the only one who pretends to be in a music video when I'm by myself?" And trying to evade someone you run into at a stop sign and pretend you're on your cell phone...LoL
Episode 3 - Scene 1 when she imagines how she would play out what she would say when she runs into her crush in the middle of the street (I've had that happen to me soooo many times)
Episode 4 Scene 2 Introduction of Amir. The token offensive guy at work that makes racist remarks, but you're not quite sure of if you should be offended or not because you're not sure what race he is. (I just love the dialogue and the actor's performance--I laugh everytime) "Bitches be trippin!"
Episode 5 (maybe Scene 4 or 5)- Introduction of White Jay. When he tells J. that she's "motherfuckin beautiful" Sooooo sexxy!
Episode 7 Scene 4 - The awkward restaurant date with White Jay and J. Hahaha! When J. says "damn I could really fuck up some Jumbalaya right now" --fat girl voice-- ( I've been on an awkward date like that before where I ordered a salad instead of an actual meal!)
Episode 12 Final Scene - When White Jay mistakes Donald Glover for Danny Glover's son. LoL!
Here is the promo below for the new season: