Oh How Pinteresting!!

I hope some of you decide to link up today at Wow Wow Wednesday. It's a blog hop this time around so check it out.

Speaking of linking up. I decided to link up this week with The Vintage Apple's "Oh How Pinteresting!" link up.

Click on the button if you would like to go link up too. :)

I thought I would post some pins that have something to do with what is currently going on with me.

Here are a few DIY projects that are in progress at mi casa. I have so many in the shoot though and not enough hands or time.

I'm making something similar to this for my office, except not with bunnies. If you have been reading for a bit then you know what my obsession is with and could probably guess what is adorning my jars. ;)

I planted some flowers this past weekend but wanted to add a little something different to our very tiny tiny front stoop (because it's not even a porch..ha). I thought this would be super cute so it's in the works too, with different colors though. :)

The last thing I'm working on project wise at the moment, even though I have tons floating around in my head is the bench for my mom. It would have been done before now but we had shock issues with the truck this past weekend and this week is packed full of other events.

Here are some things that are keeping us busy this week.

My hubby is a US Army Recruiter and has to attend all of his future soldiers graduations, which pretty much all happen sometime this week or weekend. Fun!
Source: pictage.com via Adisa on Pinterest

My daughter has her first tball practice tonight. O.o We'll see how that goes!

Source: babble.com via Kim on Pinterest

Lastly, something I'm looking forward too.

Going home next week to see my family!! :)


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