Remember our
Black casting game on Twilight? Well I think it's time to play again with the HBO TV series Game of Thrones. Next to True Blood its the reason why I keep my premium channel subscription all year. The cast of
GOT is very WASPish---however, it is based on books during a time period and a geographical area that was predominantly White, so I can't exactly get mad at the show for that. However, wouldn't it be interesting if there was an all-Black cast on the show? Who would you cast?
Here are my picks for Game Of Thrones (this is a condensed cast list):
MORGAN FREEMAN as Tywin Lannister |
ERICA HUBBARD as Daeneyrs Targaryen |
LAZ ALONSO as Jon Snow |
KEITH DAVID as Petyr Baelish aka Littlefinger |
MICHEAL EALY as Robb Stark |
NAOMIE HARRIS as Cersei Lannister |
ANGELA BASSETT as Catelyn Stark |
TONY COX as Tyrion Lannister
Here is the intro to the show for your listening pleasure. I LOVE the theme music to this show!