I mentioned a while back that I seen a new Maybelline nail polish while browsing around Walgreens but at the time I didn't pick up any. While I was out yesterday looking at polishes and makeup I thought I would pick up one and give it a go. Let me just say I wished I hadn't.
I would rate these nail polishes as one star! I will not be picking up anymore.

I picked up Denim Dash (10).
I don't hate the color, it really is the perfect Americana blue. However, I do dislike that this polish is a matte and no where on the bottle does it say that the finish is matte. I doubt I would have picked it up had I seen that.
This wasn't the biggest problems though. This polish is streaky, thick and gloppy, hard to apply because of the large top, and it took FOREVER to dry.
I applied it and it felt dry to the touch. I got up to do something and by the time I was done my nails looked like this. WTF!
Unless it was a fluke and I got a crap bottle (which I doubt) these polishes aren't worth it. They are cheap at $3 but I would rather stick to Sinful Colors for $2. I doubt I will be trying anymore to find out if it was a fluke or not.
color selection
thick and gloppy
dry time takes forever
hard to apply
chips easily
I would rate these nail polishes as one star! I will not be picking up anymore.
Have you tried these polishes before? Did you have the same problems or did you like them?