To Our Service Members

I know I’m just a weeeeee bit late since Memorial Day was a few weeks ago but I feel like this is something that should be said anyday of the week.

I would like to say thank you to all the members of the Armed Forces, past, present, and future for signing away your life to protect us and our rights. It takes one helluva man or woman to do that, even if their reasons behind it may not always be very patriotic. I know a lot of people who have joint just to get out of a bad situation or the benefits but to know they could be put on the front lines as a result, hey, gotta respect that regardless. Now to dig a little deeper…

A special thank you to all the women that service and especially the women of color that service. It goes without saying that there are glass ceilings that are inevitably hit when trying to move up in the ranks. There are certain stipulations that are in place for a promotion and some of these things are virtually impossible for a woman to achieve because we are women. Nonetheless, they still fight the same fight and give their all, if not more, to keep up and surpass the men.

In reading an article last month, I came across Command Sergeant Major Teresa King who is taking legal action against the Army for what she feels is sexism that led to her suspension from the Army’s drill sergeant training school. She was the first woman to take command of that job and she was black. To make me even prouder, personally, she was from my home state. She is an unsung hero that dedicated her life to the Army and one that I truly respect for her struggle, grind, perseverance, and strength. I only know bits and pieces of her story but I think she is just amazing. If you’d like to read more about her and her case, an article can be found here:

All that being said, thank you to every member of the Marines, Army, Navy, Air Force, National Guards, Coast Guard, respective Reservists branches, and to those that support them. From the bottom of my heart, I truly and sincerely respect you for all you do.

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