Weird Celebrity Crushes

Time to go ultra-nerdy on this one!  Have you ever had a crush on a celebrity who is completely NOT your typical Hollywood stud-muffin?  The ones who you would never or rarely see on the covers of GQ Magazine or Esquire?  Am I the only one here who's had a bizarre crush on a celebrity that when I mustered enough courage to finally be honest about it, my friends would look at me like I was an alien from another planet?  Okay, let me give you an example of my weird celebrity crushes:

Peter Dinklage from Game of Thrones

I actually remember Peter way back from this indie film he starred in called The Station Agent.  I was  not only amazed by his stunning performance, but I was also strangely attracted to him.  I mean this guy has some major swagger and his height restriction is completely undercut by his good looks and his confidence.  He's more confident than a man twice his size and half his age.  Who knows, maybe that's why he's so hot to me?  I usually don't even date shorter guys---but he would definitely be the exception!

Michael Jackson (RIP)

I'm not talking about little Michael from The Jackson 5 or even not-yet-surgically-enhanced Michael from Off The Wall.  I developed the biggest crush on MJ when the "Remember The Time" video was first released.  OMG...he was soooo sexxy to me!  Yes, I know that he totally looked like a female in that video, but I just loved his charismatic smile, sexy swagger (yes there's that word again), and his pelvic rhythms.  Miss you Michael!

Willem Dafoe

Remember the movie he did with Madonna called Body of Evidence?  Well I crushed on him hard after seeing that movie.  I'm not sure if it was the masochistic candle wick burning scene that did me in or his jawline that attracts me.  But he's hot.  It's weird I know, but whenever I see he's booked on a late night TV show or is appearing on some sort of news program, I have to tune in!


I know most of you probably think I'm just going out on a limb with this one.  My attraction for Seal is deeper than his physical presence.  It's his music.  One of the most played CDs that I own (aside from Jon B.) is Seal's 1994 self-titled album.  "Don't Cry" is one of my favorite songs of all time.  Not to mention his accent is uber-sexy.  And let's be honest, no one can debate with me on that.

Steve Buscemi

My favorite film of all time is Reservoir Dogs.  I could easily include Quentin Tarantino on this list because I like him too...but I think I just really like him because he's my favorite director.  For us its just business.  As for Steve, I have had a crush on him for years.  It seems like he gets hotter and hotter with age! On his new show Boardwalk Empire, he's the hottest guy on the show!  Many would debate with me and say Michael Pitt is---but his character is dead now.  That only leaves Steve..heh heh.

Hollywood hunks?  No.  Unusually sexy?  Ab-suh-freakin-loutely!

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