Alpha Mail: Game and female development

A woman named KT presents a rather ironic request:
What the hell is Game?  You are so dead spot on regarding a variety of subjects, I can't help but think you might know something about relationships as well, but I simply fail to understand how the information at the Game blog promotes marriage.  Granted, the blog is not geared towards women and our unique set of problems, but I still don't think I understand men or the male/female dynamic any more today than I did 6 months ago.  As a recovering feminist, vegan, radical environmentalist, Dead Head, I feel like I missed a MAJOR part of my development as a woman, and hence my personal life has been tweaked slightly as a result, but I still don't know how exactly. 

Again, I know the blog is geared towards men, but if ever you or Spacebunny feel the urge to address what you perceive as some of the consequences of modernity on the female psyche, and how that makes us deficient as a spouse, the information might be useful to more than just me.  The area I (and probably other females as well) still struggle with is how these nutty ideologies have warped our ability to relate to men in a meaningful and fulfilling way.  I should be the one perhaps to give the advice, having lived through such lunacy, but I never really had a normal model to begin with, so I don't know what I should be returning to.

Gotta thank you for the time you take to educate us.  Cyberspace has been a TOTAL BLESSING for those of us brainwashed by establishment schools.  Between the Bible and the Internet, there may be hope for this generation after all.  
To paraphrase my previous definition, Game is the conscious and synthetic adoption of the attitudes, behaviors, perspectives, strategies, and tactics of men with high socio-sexual rank by men of lower socio-sexual rank with the objective of raising their socio-sexual status and increasing their success with women.  This is not the definition that most Game bloggers would utilize, but it is one they would recognize as being closely related to their definitions.  Since I take a more abstract and analytical approach to the subject, it should not surprise anyone that my definition is less focused and practical than most.

My purpose is not to promote marriage.  My purpose is to understand and expose the truth of intersexual relations, to oppose the equalitarian and feminist ideologies, and to defend traditional American society and Western civilization.  While marriage has historically been a major pillar of both American society and Western civilization, the perversion of the institution by Western governments has actually rendered it a force for societal and civilizational decline, if not collapse, in many aspects.  This is why I cannot unilaterally endorse marriage for all men in all cases, but rather, insist that under the present regime, it can only be risked by Christian men marrying genuinely Christian women, since this group at least has the potential for placing the traditional spiritual element of the sacrament above the legal element of the government-licensed relationship.

I find the request for more information on female deficiencies from a woman to be both encouraging and a little ironic.  I've tried to be circumspect about not always hammering on that particular subject; some would probably say that I haven't been circumspect enough.  But I'll think about it, particularly the way in which feminist ideology has rendered women less capable of marrying or sustaining happy, successful marriages, and post on the subject in the coming weeks.  And perhaps I can better explain the male perspective in a manner that women can readily grasp; there is somewhat of a fish-water problem for which I will have to consciously correct.

However, I  can assure KT that even if she feels she doesn't understand men yet, she has taken a massive intellectual step forward in identifying what she does not know.  This is the first and foremost step towards knowledge. It's rather like learning a language.  You learn a few words here and there, and you're very pleased with how well you "speak" French or whatever simply because you can say a few words and exchange a few pleasantries.  But as your ability increases, you suddenly hit the point where you stop paying attention to what you have learned and recognize how much more you don't know.  That's the point at which you truly begin to learn the language.  And that is the point at which KT is with regards to men and the reality of intersexual relations.

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