Desperate Measures

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Cover girl CG is acting up like she is so desperate for a lover. Once she was linked to the Hottest Guy HG in town. After her split with HG, she hooked up with a Very Popular musician VP who after a while dumped her. Right now, CG's undivided attention is focused on this one cute Media Personality MP.

CG tries her best to get noticed by MP at all costs, to the extent that she relentlessly stalks him via social network. Only recently, CG allegedly sent MP something sweet to his office. Unfortunately, due to health limitations, MP wasn't able to consume it. Hence, it was his staff who did the consuming for him. At MP's latest tv guesting, the Host HO, who was a friend to CG made insinuations to MP that CG's got a crush on him, as in he is the apple of her eyes. Surprised by such declaration, the ever gentleman PM, didn't want to offend HO and managed (or pretended?) to look like tickled, or "kilig" in tagalog. Being in media and aware of how television can cruelly magnify expressions, MP's reaction was understandable.

In one of MP's tv assignments, his heart went out to his subject, a Weather Forecaster WF. He took pity on the man for being so lowly paid that he couldn't even afford to have a cellphone. CG who was as expected watching MP at that time took the opportunity to once again make her presence felt, and perhaps gain points. Guess what CG did? She immediately sent over units of cellphone to MP's office. The package's sender's names indicated it came from CG and her gay bff.

But wait, there's more! In another situation, MP was going to host a formal corporate event and he tweeted asking his friends where he could buy a nice suit. CG read his tweet, and again came to the rescue and offered to send someone to take MP's measurements -- a subtle yet vulgar way of saying she would provide what he needed. But MP politely turned it down.

Seriously, those in the know said that MP just wants CG out, as he is completely turned off by her over-aggressiveness in pursuing him. Sounds cruel to hear for someone being alluded to. But, yes, the truth really hurts.

For those who don't know MP's background, his actions speak a lot about him and where he comes from. He just can not be dazzled and bought. And to CG, after your experiences with MP, guess it's about time to reassess yourself and learn more on what works best. Try another tack, something that won't disappoint big time. Also, prayers help.

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