Dial "Play and Fun"

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Good looks runs in the family of this sociable celebrity SC. His physical looks and towering height alone will make for an ideal leading man material. But unfortunately, it was his choice to do only a few movies and instead opted to concentrate on what he does best. Apart from being visible in social events, SC is also an in-demand talent in his field. Some girls who don't know any better, really fall for him.

But there's a caveat.

Showbiz has enough of attractive men whose gender preferences will make girls scream in dismay. Rumors are abound about those who for one reason or another refuses to come out. Yes, it is, dear readers, SC is a confirmed one, yet not out. To his credit, he manages and carries himself well on gender issues surrounding him. Well, probably it just takes some getting used to. But rumors are rumors and SC can not get away with it.

One of them came from a massage parlor receptionist who says that SC is a frequent client. The place described as a red light district is quite popular among gays located somewhere in what is now called the new Sin City. But SC is very careful, or he won't be smart for nothing. He does not physically show himself at the joint but gets to enjoy and have fun just the same. Yes, SC prefers to "order" by phone and have the "goods" delivered to him - massage with extra service, that's more like it.

Certainly, SC can have his cake and eat it, too -- that's right!

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