Dream Big. Be Bold.

I must admit that lately I've felt a little down-and-out about my recent circumstances.  I've hoped I would be in a better place than I am now.  It's easy to doubt yourself and your dreams when life doesn't unfold in the way you expect it to.

Have you ever heard a message that was at the precise moment at the right time?

That's what happened to me last night when I watched Joel Osteen on Oprah's Lifeclass last night.  One thing struck me that Joel said that pierced me like a knife was this quote:

You have to go through your closed doors to get into your open doors.

Recently I have experienced a series of rejections and I did the obligatory "Why Me" questions after each rejection.  It's easy to wallow into self-pity and to tell a story to yourself that you're not worthy or you will never achieve your dreams, but I've decided I'm going to tell a new story.  My story is that I am a child of King that deserves to have the greatest treasures here on this earth.

This blog post is for anyone else who may be going through the storm.  If you are, just remember that this storm has a purpose.  This storm is what will propel you to the next level.  This storm is a life lesson that will make you stronger.

Just like any storm, don't forget that it doesn't last forever and when the storm stops, guess what? The sun comes out and starts to shine---ready to dry up all of that rain.

Don't let anyone ever tell you that you cannot accomplish your dreams.

Dream big. Be bold.

And remember, this is just the beginning of things to come.  You have no idea what's in store for your future.

Don't let go of that desire.  It's been planted on the inside of you and now it's time to let the dream come to pass.  Speak a mantra that in the natural may sound impossible, but in turn may be the key to allowing your purpose to be fulfilled.  I'm starting my mantra today.  Will you start yours?

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