His Pulse Runs on the Same Blood

How does the saying go, "birds of the same feather, flock together," or "birds of the same family have the same feathers?"

Well, it seems the latter might be true in the case of two young actors. First actor (FA) is already established, and has reaped awards for his acting. He is no stranger to controversy. His fame came at the loss of his privacy. Everyone who sees him wants to have a photo with him, while most females refuse to believe the rumors surrounding his personality, and some will even jump at the chance to prove the rumors are incorrect.

Meanwhile, the other younger actor (OY) is just beginning his career. However, because of his ties with the first actor, he might have a hard time getting out of that shadow. Now, does that shadow cover the same rumor hounding FA?

Alas, OY is no longer spared from rumors about his sexuality. He was recently spotted with fireworks designer (FD) on a date at Republiq. If OY is seeing FD, where does that place his "best bud," the young actor who was seen allegedly sniffing OY's underwear? Is a triangle brewing?

Will FA advice OY when it comes to such matters? Now, that would be very interesting.

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