Thanksgiving Tips: Hosting Dinner


Hosting Thanksgiving this year at your home?

Here are some super simple tips to keep it going smoothly and not so stressful.

1. Plan ahead.

If you can prepare certain dishes ahead of time, do it. Prep the night before so all you really have to do is pop it in the oven. There are also some dishes like desserts that can be cooked even a day early and still be a-ok for the next day.

2. Don't try to please everybody.

You are hosting Thanksgiving so make your menu, don't take dinner orders. If others want a specific dish have them bring it. It is ok to enlist help. We have always done a potluck sort of Thanksgiving where my brothers and their wives would bring a couple dishes, my aunt would bring a couple, etc.

3. Keep the kiddos occupied.

Give the kids small jobs to do like folding napkins or setting the table. Yes, they like to help too. It's also a good idea to have something fun planned like games or a craft project for after dinner otherwise they will make up their own fun thing to do, usually running around screaming.

4. Relax.

You are with family, it's ok if something is running late and dinner doesn't happen right at the time you told everyone. Don't feel like you have to entertain everyone either. People know how to chat amongst themselves. Just smile and wave... and Enjoy!!

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