To Whip Up and Keep His Desire

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After the network NE launched its new roster of talents , rumor mill was abuzzed with talks of a budding relationship between a newbie personality NB and a person of influence PI. But contrary to what’s being circulated, the rumor, err -- the relationship is nothing new.

Even before the talent launch, one of its personalities NB was already getting its share of controversy. The truth is that even when NB was still in the competition in a reality show RS, he had already caught the attention of PI. PI was said to be so attracted and enamored with NB that he committed to himself to take care of him once he was done with the RS - win or lose.

PI is known to be a generous benefactor to whoever catches his fancy (read: boylets BY). Being in a position of influence, he can easily cast in his project/s whoever he wants, much more if it is a BY he is currently fascinated with. And when it comes to promises made to his BY’s, PI definitely delivers. Proof? Right after NB got out of RS, PI lost no time and immediately cast him in one of his shows. If that is not walking the talk, then what is? Such is PI’s reputation.

His latest conquest, NB is now reaping the fruits of being under his TLC. As long as he “behaves,” NB will never be lacking in projects - just like what the other BY’s before him were.

“Freedom is a package deal – with it comes responsibilities and consequences.” ~ Walter Cronkite

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