Gotta be the Odd One Out

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Any competition can not run smoothly without the mechanics and rules to abide by by the contestants. Both contestants and judges must understand and follow the rules set by the production. But sometimes, as in any production, some things happen beyond anyone’s control that will necessitate bending of some rules to be able to address a particular concern that unexpectedly cropped up along the way. Usually, these are not known to the viewers.

Let's take a particular audition in a new singing competition. According to contest rules and mechanics, the contestants CO who passed the first part of the audition would have the leeway and luxury to choose who they want to mentor them for the rest of the duration of the contest. They were to select from among the lineup of the contest judges who are all competent and top Filipino performers.

As such, all the judges have that awe and powerful appeal to the contestants, such that they were always chosen to be the mentors - except for one M1. M1 who is one of the country's no-nonsense performers and who had won a number of awards, too, was surprisingly unfortunate not to be popular with the CO.

At any time during the taping, there was no single CO who chose and wanted to be mentored by M1. It was really such a pain and a very awkward situation not only for M1, but for the most part to the rest of the judges. They too, felt that something was not right. Expectedly, it was both difficult and embarrassing for M1. The production was so bothered, and felt they had to intervene.

After a meeting, a compromise and adjustment of the rules was arrived at. The solution was that some contestants were asked ahead of time that they would have to choose M1 as mentor. So in the next round, M1 was able to get a fair share of contestants who 'chose' and 'liked' her to guide them along the way.

So that's it. Production had to balance by injecting something that's alien to all. It was something weird and unheard of, but had to be done, nonetheless – whether it is liked or not.

“It’s a dog-eat-dog world, and I’m just a kitten.” ~ Jarod Kintz,

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