The Lingering Attitude of the Actor

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As the tensions in this teledrama continue to rise, the production has imposed a ban on visiting fans on the set so the stars can focus more on their drama scenes. Although fans are often welcome on the set, they can sometimes cause delay and add to the intense atmosphere during a taping.

In this particular soap, all but one lead actor (LA1) adhered to the directive. His fans arrived at the set despite the ban. When the production assistant (PA) of the other lead actor (LA2) saw the presence of fans, PA asked the production about it. When LA1 found out that the PA was the one who asked, he yelled at the PA. Naturally, PA told LA2 about how LA1 screamed at him. Then, LA1 and LA2 ended up screaming at each other. LA1 and LA2 are not into fighting, hence no fists were exchanged at the height of their yelling, and there was no slapping nor hair pulling as well.

After some time, the business unit head arrived and inquired about what transpired. LA1 acted as though nothing happened and even denied that such an incident occurred. However, someone from the production came forward and testified he saw and heard everything. LA1 could not say anything more as the witness was someone he should not entangle with.

This incident is just one of the events that have added to the ill feelings of production people towards LA1. His makeup artist left him. Then, even the in-house makeup artist got irritated when LA1 demands to be fixed first. LA1 does not pay nor does he give tips. LA1 has only done a few dramas and some commercials, yet success has gone to his head. He might have a hard time lasting in the business if no one can get along with him. As for LA2, he might have his own idiosyncrasies, but he is not as arrogant as LA1.

You can have a certain arrogance, and I think that's fine, but what you should never lose is the respect for the others. - Steffi Graf

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