Whoops! Let's Try This Again... Book and Emporio Armani Sunglasses Giveaway

Sorry for the technical difficulties yesterday, guys! I heard that some of you did try to enter the book giveaway contest but the link was broken. The kinks have been fixed! You can still enter the giveaway here or on the WTH Is That in Her Diaper?" and Other Interesting Discoveries: The Low Down on Becoming a New Mom. Three winners will be selected to receive a signed copy of Can't Stand the Heat, the first book in the Gibbons Gold Digger series about a family of eccentric sisters. Of those three winners, one grand prize winner or the first name chosen by Rafflecopter at random will receive a pair of Emporio Armani sunglasses because the Gibbons sisters wouldn't go without them and you shouldn't either. Terms and conditions do apply. Enter the contest below.

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And here's an excerpt from the novel, Can't Stand the Heat:  

“Should I . . . should I start plating the entrĂ©es?” Lauren asked. She turned from the stove, wiped her hands on a dishcloth, and faced her first new client, the ex-Dallas Cowboy/millionaire Cris Weaver. 

He had been standing about ten feet behind her for the past hour and a half, observing her while she cooked. He said he wanted it to be part of the evening: Lauren doing her kitchen voodoo while everyone else at the party watched her work, like they were watching a show.

Whatever, she had thought flippantly on the phone as he made his request. You’re the one writing the check, sweetheart. Short of me wearing a thong bikini while I’m cooking, I’m game for just about anything at this point.

Her casual attitude disappeared, though, when she realized he would be staring at her the whole time she cooked. Knowing his dark eyes were on her had been unnerving, but miraculously she had managed to not burn herself or set his kitchen on fire.

“Or I can hold off serving the entrĂ©es for a bit . . . until your guests arrive. The meat shouldn’t dry out if you want to wait.” She shrugged her shoulders. “It’s up to you.”

Cris propped his elbow against the kitchen island’s granite countertop, shifted on his leather stool, and took a sip of red wine. “No, you can go ahead if it’s done. I have no idea when they’ll get here. I might as well start without them.” He grinned. “The food smells too good not to eat.”

He certainly was in good spirits for a man who was throwing a party and not one guest had shown up.

If it was me, I’d be pissed, Lauren thought as she glanced at the two porcelain platters covered with appetizers. Most of them—dates wrapped in applewood bacon and stuffed with blue cheese, deviled eggs filled with crabmeat ravigote, and white pork boudin balls—still sat untouched. It looked like the price of his dinner was quickly escalating from $875 a plate to $3,500 a plate with every minute that guests didn’t arrive. She felt bad for the guy.

Lauren pursed her lips. “All right. Well, I guess you can go ahead and sit at your dinner table. I’ll bring the food to you in about two minutes.”

“You’re serving me, too?”

Lauren opened his oven to reveal a bubbling pan filled with pork chops. The room suddenly filled with the food’s intoxicating aroma. “Sure, why not? You’re paying a lot of money for this.” She used both ends of the dish towel to tug the pan out of the oven without burning her hands. She set it on the stove top. “I may as well give you the full service, right?”

Really? And what does the ‘full service’ include exactly?”

At those words, the hairs started to prick on the back of her neck. A delicious thrill went down her spine.

You can purchase Can’t Stand the Heat at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, BAM, and Black Expressions book club.

-- Black Girl Nerds contributor, Shelly Ellis

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