These posts are great- but do you have any advice for women who have husbands who refuse to have sex? In my case I am not a supermodel but an not overweight/blatantly unattractive and I exercise, wear makeup, dresses etc. My husband looks at a lot of porn and even pays significantly for porn sites monthly. He goes months without having sex and refuses to talk to me about it. I don't believe in divorce but don't know what to do. Do you have any suggestions?Wrong blog. Go to Athol Kay's place, which is on the right sidebar. I really don't spend a great deal of time thinking about how to seduce and otherwise turn on men. My take is that if a man isn't interested in sex with a woman who isn't fat or unattractive, she is probably either boring in bed or bossy. As for the porn, I note that it is an effective way of circumnavigating the female use of sex as a relationship control device without walking out.
A contemplates scientific fairy stories aka evolutionary stable strategies:
This is just an odd theory of mine, and I should caveat that I don't believe in the merits of evolutionary psychology, but wouldn't an evolutionary psychologist suggest that it is a good thing for LTRs to have reduced sexual activity over the long haul?I have no doubt that some evolutionary psychologist will suggest it now as an ex post facto explanation now that it has been observed, but as it happens, this is the reverse of what evolutionary psychologists previously suggested. As, you will note, was mentioned in the article linked in the post.
Ioweenie wonders about the ideal way to communicate a willingness to engage in domestic violence:
My husband has never raised a hand to me, but he certainly has raised his voice. Having seen the escalation of his temper, and knowing he is by design far stronger and far more willful than I, I've understood not to push. How do men here believe this cautionary line is most effectively drawn?By making it clear that women are not considered off limits and one is perfectly willing to defend oneself by "hitting a girl" if the situation requires it. Since I began my martial arts training, I have made it clear to everyone, of both sexes, that while I will not start a fight, I will finish it. Unsurprisingly, (outside of three general brawls), I've never had to hit anyone outside the dojo although I remain perfectly capable of doing so. With men, as with nations, it is the peaceful who are prepared for violence who are the least likely to be forced into it.
Desert Cat wonders if women can surmount the Female Imperative:
I wonder if it is possible for any woman, however "red-pill" to ever fully escape the gravitational field of the Feminine Imperative.They can, but they will always do so in a rational manner. Emotionally, they will not because they cannot. That is why even a woman who fully assents to the civilizational agenda can find herself unconsciously reacting in a manner consistent with the very Imperative she decries. Female reason can, and often does, trump female emotion, but it is a constant struggle that is more difficult for some women than others. In general, the more emotional the woman, the harder it will be for her to escape the aforementioned gravitational field.