BGN Girl: Alesha Escobar

Alesha Escobar was born and raised in Los Angeles, CA and began writing short stories at the age of seven. After earning a B.A. in English and an M.S. in Education, she decided to finally revisit her love of storytelling and completed her debut novel, The Tower’s Alchemist. Alesha enjoys reading, watching movies, and the unscrupulous consumption of several cups of coffee per day. Alesha lives in California, along with her husband and four children.

The Tower's Alchemist (The Gray Tower Trilogy, #1) Wizard Vs. Nazi Warlock Vampires 

It's a very different World War II. The Nazis have unleashed occult forces throughout Europe and the Allies are forced to recruit and employ wizards to counter their attacks. Among them is the battle weary spy, Isabella George, a Gray Tower dropout trained in Alchemy. Longing for retirement and a life of peace, she accepts one final job-extract a deadly warlock from Nazi occupied France and prevent him from unleashing an alchemical weapon that will devour the continent. But France is crawling with the Cruenti, vampiric warlocks who feed off other wizards. When things don't go according to plan, one Cruenti sets his deadly eyes on her.

Betrayal is everywhere. Even some of her closest allies cannot be fully trusted. Worse still, she finds, she can't even trust herself. She becomes a woman torn between her charismatic spy lover who offers her what she desires most, and one of her closest confidants, whose soft seductive eyes hold deadly secrets about her past, and the Gray Tower itself. Plans within plans. Plots versus counter plots. Heists gone wrong, sword-wielding Catholic priests, and the greatest manipulation of history that has ever been seen, is just a taste of what Isabella George is in for, in her final mission. 


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