Disgusting Shouting Match

Image courtesy of www.peanutbutteronthekeyboard.wordpress.com

High profile singer HS had once proclaimed for all the world to hear that she seriously wanted to be more independent and make major changes in her personal life. It was short of saying that she strongly desired for real transformation.

And true enough, little by little, the sight of HS in a number of her tv show guestings revealed a slight improvement from her conventional moves and outfits. Observers also noticed these in some of HS’ new tv commercials. What were once big no no’s has leveled up a bit into something fresh and cool.

As such, people were of the belief that her authoritative elder AE could have made some compromises with HS as a desperate measure, rather than lose HS completely. But some situations prove that this isn’t so.

HS is as busy as ever with her numerous projects – shows, concerts, endorsements. During tapings of her latest tv show, production staff and insiders are witnesses to HS and AE’s frequent arguments that often result in a shouting matches everytime.

Defiant AE seems not cut out to keep quiet completely and stop her endless meddling in HS’ every move. HS believes she should be the one in charge to personally decide on things that truly matter to her. The last shouting match between her and AE happened inside HS’ dressing room while she was being styled for the show. AE put her foot down on HS’ make-up and outfit preferences.

Yes it is - it has been years - and the drama is still the same.

“I learned that the richness of life is found in adventure. It develops self-reliance and independence. Life then teems with excitement. There is stagnation only in security.” ~ William Orville Douglas

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