Into the Job Market

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Gorgeous actor and model GA sprang into showbiz consciousness when he joined a local tv reality search RS. With good looks and to-die for hunk of a body, GA became popular and in-demand in no time. For a while, he couldn’t believe his luck that far from being a regular model, he was suddenly a celebrity recognized everywhere by the public.

His sentiments were hard to ignore knowing he had very difficult childhood -  a victim of racial discrimination and bullying in his own country. He tried to escape hardship and came to the Philippines to explore, yet things turned out more disappointing when he found himself alone, no money and friends to run to.

But he survived them all – he improved his looks and made big connections. And in no time, he was making money as a model and later on got discovered in showbiz via RS.

For a good number of years, GA had several projects to get him by, both on film and television. But as everyone would say, showbiz is nothing but fleeting. For quite a time, offers slowly dwindled, and before he knew it – he was no longer wanted.

Years passed, nothing was heard of him. Only to resurface later, but already in a different mold .

Allegedly, GA is now into the flesh trade - full time. Kind of disappointing for someone with such potential and promise. Yet people who know him said that it was a foregone conclusion. GA just had the hots for it.

Reportedly, GA had been a permanent fixture in a high end entertainment venue for so long, charging a six digit figure per client. His clients are usually Asian businessmen who regularly fly to the country for their customary R and R.

For GA: Is it  just a last resort, or for the fun and funds of it?

“It's not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are.” ~ Roy Disney

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