Image courtesy of Fashion PULIS reader
Hi FP,
I am an avid follower of your site, kudos for finding the juiciest gossip in town. My apologies in advance for this rant but I can't help myself from sending you my concern.
As I was watching this weekend show, 3 little girls and some other network talents were dancing to Cindy Lauper's song "She Bop." Do they know that the song is kind of touchy due to its sexually suggestive content? Are they aware of the fact that it has something to do with mas**r*ation??? I was awed and very disturbed while watching the whole production number. Can't the production staff do some due diligence in researching the content/message of the song or any materials they use before subjecting its talents (especially little girls) to use it for a song/dance number?
I am not prude by all means but the fact that there were kids involved made me really cringe and I'm sure that other like-minded viewers felt the same way, too. By writing to you I hope this catches their (the network's) attention and they would be more circumspect next time.
We all know that in media organizations, entertaining and responsible programming is key. As such, these networks should be very vigilant and adhere to the social responsibility they were tasked and vowed to uphold.
Thanks for your time in reading this, FP.
Responsible citizen,
Note: Letter edited for brevity.
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