Monsters, Aliens and Yarn Art

Morning All.

It's about that time...a DISASTER!

So on my many hours spent pinteresting I kept coming across all these lovely decorative yarn art projects and I really wanted to incorporate some into my craft room decor.

So I grabbed some yarn from the stash a polystyrene ball and some knitting needles.

Loved the idea of the needles in the ball of yarn

Hot glued and wrapped the yarn around the ball

I was so thrilled with this simple project but wanted to bling it up a bit and add some detail to the needles....and I thought ooh pretty

Then Jules came home and I saw it, he says "ooh something for the kids room?" I said "what do you mean?", he says "isn't it one of the little monsters from Sesame Street." Highly offended I replied "No, it's yarn art, it's a ball of wool with knitting needles in it."

At this point Samuel the eldest child comes in and says "Cool an Alien!"

DIY Delight or Disaster? Well simply put, now all I see is this little monster/alien thing staring at me and it's creeping me out...back to the drawing board!

So what do you think, art or do you see a funny looking monster...don't worry I think it's hilarious now I certainly won't be offended! Where did I go so wrong??

Thanks for reading,

Mel xo

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