You know that moment when you realise that you truly have done something amazing! Well this wall is it for me, I am serious when I say lovingly gazed upon it's beauty more than once a day since I did it. It's currently my favorite DIY project to date!
So here's the ugly old wall and so far I have white walled each room, but I wanted to try and push myself a bit. I had the beadboard wall paper, used in the kids room and my faux beadboard boxes. I told Julian my plan he wasn't convinced! (Hence why it's in the craft room)
I was a bit sick of plain white walls and wanted some colour but because of the poor lighting it would need to be in small doses. I chose red polka dot contact paper and put it at the top of the wall.
Then I spent an hour making my own DIY wall paper paste which cost nothing to make but I was in such a rush I don't know where I got it from. I do remember my arms hurt like nothing else, from whisking it though!
Then a bit of molding trim I cut and painted it white. Oh yeah and I did right first time Suck on that Bob The Builder!!!
DIY Delight or Disaster? I am not kidding when I say I love this wall. I know it's really hard to see why from a photo but this wall in the flesh, it is beautiful. Every time I have tried to describe what I am doing I got the screwed up face. When Julian saw it finished he loved it. My Dad said "Brilliant!" and my Mum was impressed. None of them had looked convinced when I told them my plan. It truly is beautiful and to date it is my favorite project!
Okay what's your verdict, if you hate it well.....I still love it!!!!
Thanks for reading,
Mel xo.
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